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Last edited by BeaverGlue · about 1 month ago

For more information and support please reach out on our official Discord server for a quick response, link below!

Server Links

Java IP: join.MysticMC.co

Bedrock IP: join.MysticMC.co   Port: 19132

Discord: discord.mysticmc.co

Shop: shop.MysticMC.co

Map Links

Arcane: arcane.MysticMc.co

Cosmic: cosmic.MysticMc.co

Voting Links

You can vote on each site every 24 hours. If you are a bedrock player, make sure type your name as it appears in-game including "BR_".

  1. https://minecraftservers.org/vote/645297
  2. https://servers-minecraft.net/server-mysticmc.23236/vote
  3. https://minecraftbestservers.com/server-mysticmc.1020/vote
  4. https://topminecraftservers.org/vote/31421
  5. https://minecraft.buzz/vote/6638

Last edited by BeaverGlue · about 1 month ago

If you notice any violations or have questions, you may open a ticket or ask staff on our Discord.

1. No griefing.

  1. Includes claimed land, and unclaimed land.
  2. If a base is abandoned, you can ask staff to see if its okay for you to take over the base.
  3. Destroying the wilderness for resources is allowed, though mass destruction of the map for any other reason is also considered griefing.
  4. Harvesting should be done in the resource world (/rtp).
  5. No filling other players inventories with unwanted items. Especially during crate rolling or events.

2. Don't harass others

  1. This includes being overly rude or snarky.
  2. If you have issues with a particular player, it is highly recommended you report them, /ignore the player and move on. Do not harass them back or further escalate.
  3. Do not bypass mutes, ignores, or contact players who do not wish to speak to you.

3. Keep it clean

  1. Refrain from doing the following: harassment, racism, excessive swearing, excessive sexual content, hate speech, and discussing sensitive topics such as self-harm, politics, drug user, abuse.
  2. The above items can be in the form of: Inappropriate usernames, builds, signage, content, skins, and renamed items.
  3. If both parties allow it, you may speak your mind in private chat such as /msg.

4. No cheating or hacking

  1. This includes not limited to: Hacking, X-ray, botting, kill aura, fly, free-cam/free-look, or any other modifications that allow you to gain an unfair advantage.
  2. Allowed Clients/Mods
    1. Mini-maps, waypoints, or anything that displays information already known in the F3 menu
    2. Fullbright
    3. Lunar Client (No free-look)
    4. Badlion Client (No free-look)
    5. Optifine
    6. Performance/FPS increasers
  3. Any exploits that arise from bugs with vanilla Minecraft features or server plugins such as duping can not be used and must be reported. Rewards will be given based on severity.

5. No automation of the player.

  1. This includes botting (baritone), auto-clickers, key weights, or auto-fishing.
    1. It is up to the player to ensure that staff know they are active. This includes but is not limited to responding to staff messaging them in chat, responding to being moved, or them going in front of your player.
  2. Farms that require you to AFK or do manual work or push you around using redstone are allowed.
  3. Fishing Machines are NOT allowed. (Even if mouse manually held down)
  4. Litematica (auto-placing and schematics)
    1. Litematica is a client side mod that assists with builds by allowing you to place schematics down, where you can fill in the schematics with your own materials. The use of Litematica's easy-place feature is allowed. Easy-place will physically place the blocks down for you where you only need the blocks in your inventory. Note:
      1. Any use of features that auto-swaps blocks to your hot-bar may result in Infinite Blocks disappearing so be mindful
      2. This feature is purely as a tool for players and builds. Do not use this for any exploit especially related to jobs or money making methods (aside from building things for people)
      3. Although it places things for you, you should still be active, and moving your character on your own.

6. No Random PvP

  1. You must get permission from the other party before fighting.
  2. Rules of the fight should be laid out before hand. Breaking those rules may result in the other party reporting you.
  3. Entering PvP marked areas automatically conesents you to PvP.
  4. TPing or baiting players to a PvP area to fight them is not allowed.
  5. Hitting someone else even once, allows them to hit or even kill you back, though it is recommended you just report them as fights may get confusing to judge.

7. Claims

  1. If a user is inactive for 3+ weeks, you can request the claim be removed on the Discord server by opening a ticket.
  2. Do not claim or build within 100 blocks of an existing claim without permission from the claim owner. Failure to do so may result in your build being moved.
  3. It is still recommended to claim past just your build area to save a piece of land for future use.
  4. Claims that break the 100 blocks claim rule must be reported in a timely manner. Not reporting someone's claim violation and allowing them to build for weeks may mean that their claim might not be removed.
  5. Do not trespass on claims. If you repeatedly ignore the claim owner's wishes for you leave, you may be forcibly removed and punished.

8. Shop and Economy

  1. Paying players to rate your shop is allowed, but paying others to rate other shops is NOT allowed.
  2. Using alt accounts to rate other shops including your own is not allowed.
  3. Advertising within or near other shops without permission is not allowed.
  4. No useless/troll player warps, auction house listings, or chest shops.
  5. The main end island can only be used for the purposes of traveling the end, or fighting the dragon. No making chest shops or using obsidian farms here.
  6. You can earn money from the Hunter job only from physically attacking the mob manually. Any use of farms that make use of thorns or other methods of AFK farming are not allowed.
  7. Converting mobs created by Spawners to mobs that work for the Hunter job is not allowed.
  8. Purposely bypassing block protection for jobs is not allowed. (eg. Waiting for a block's protection to expire to re-harvest it)
  9. You can report Player warps with extremely similar names to your existing warp. Eg. "/pw Best_Logs" and "/pw Best_log" would not be allowed Eg. "/pw Shop" and "/pw Shopping" would be allowed since Shop is a common word.
  10. No ads in the community chest.
  11. No advertising in /ah
    1. You may advertise looking to buy and looking to sell. (eg. Renamed shulker to "Mail me if you have X" or "Mail me to offer for these items")
  12. No reselling of map art created by someone else without their permission.
  13. Modifying Items with the Unmodifiable tag is not allowed. This includes renaming, upgrading, adding effects on to the items. This does not include items you are supposed to modify such as unbreakable tools.
  14. If you have a modified item, you are free to contact support to get it replaced for a small fee.

9. No spamming/begging/advertising

  1. In-game economy advertisements are limited to every 30 minutes
    1. This includes trades, shops, and PWs
    2. Multiple members may advertise the same things considering the following:
    3. One ad per player/PW every 30 minutes. That includes one shop/area every 30 minutes
    4. Multiple PWs that lead to the same area/building also apply to the above mentioned
    5. Players may have multiple PWs leading to different places but they are also subject to the 30 minute rule
    6. (Is advised to include multiple pw names in a big message or advertise a different pw every 30 minutes)
  2. Any links or outside advertisements in chat are not allowed including advertising for any other servers.
  3. This includes links to external streams even if they are related to the server or Minecraft.
  4. Spamming includes:
    1. Excessive use of capitalization.
    2. This including using capital letters in every word; limit capitalized words to a maximum of three consecutive words per message, and do not include spammy text such as 'HaVE a GReAt dAy'; capitial spam is to be determined by server staff.
    3. Identical messages or extremely similar messages.
    4. Messages that include random letters. Eg “wadawfsegerheiwoffjweoji”
  5. No Mini-Modding
    1. This includes a regular player trying to moderate or assist in a situation that a staff member is already involved in.
    2. If asked or allowed by the staff member, you can contribute your assistance.
    3. If no staff member is present, then feel free to assist.
    4. Eg. Telling someone to stop spamming chat, when a staff member is already talking to them about the situation.
  6. Do not use bold, obfuscated, or underlined for chat color. Italics is fine.

10. No scamming/fraud/impersonation.

  1. Scamming is the misrepresentation of goods such as renaming an item to look like something else, or by not honoring a trade.
  2. Low-balling or high-balling are allowed. Ultimately it is up to you to know the value of an item. If you do not know the value of an item, it is recommend you do not trade at all.
  3. Impersonating includes using "/nick" to pretend to be someone else.
  4. You may loan items to other players, but ultimately it is your responsibility to keep track of where the item is, and to set clear rules on when/how people can borrow them.
  5. No real world trading
    • This includes selling or buying in-game items/money for real world currency and assets.
    • Trading in-game items/money for someone to buy you a rank on the store is allowed.
    • Trading in-game items/money for digital items such as resource packs, artwork, skins, and schematics is allowed (just be reasonable, and fair. You still take on the risk of being scammed).
    • Gifting in-game items/money and buying things on the store for others on their behalf as a gift is allowed.

11. English only in chat

  1. Our staff team cannot moderate languages outside of English, which is why we ask this.
  2. Non-english is allowed in private messages (/msg ).

12. Alt-accounts

  1. Alts are allowed, but must be logged off above 45 online players.
  2. Only one additional alt account may be used for AFK purposes.
  3. You are allowed to vote on alt-accounts and give your main account the rewards, though logging on a bunch of alts to give yourself the starting money is not allowed.
  4. You are not allowed to use Alt job furnaces.
  5. Using accounts you do not own is not allowed, such as using accounts from EasyMC.
  6. Alt accounts cannot complete quests in "/quest".

13. Do not evade punishments in any way.

  1. Joining with alternate accounts after you have previously been banned will result in an escalation of your ban length.
  2. Do not use signs, books, or renamed items to avoid being muted in chat. You are still free to use off-server chatting methods like private Discord calls for talking to friends.

14. VPN Usage

  1. VPN’s are not allowed to be used. If you do use a VPN or Proxy and it works, it is at the risk of the player. Whenever a player logs in, their IP is recorded, thus using a VPN has the risk of associating your username with a banned player. To avoid any sort of issues, it is recommended you do not use a VPN.

15. No Gambling

  1. This includes making casinos, chance based games, mystery boxes.
  2. The rule is to protect players and reduce staff needing to constantly check for malicious intent. Therefore if both parties are friends and allow it knowing the risks, you may engage in this kind of behavior.

16. Loaning Rules

  • Players are free to loan items, cash, and services but must do so at their own risk.
    • There is always a chance borrowers can not repay their loan
    • Staff will try to retrieve the items/cash from the player, but might not be able to retrieve all of it.
    • Lenders should get collateral from the borrower for extra security.
    • Lenders should always keep in touch and check up on borrowers.
    • Selling items with the promise of payment in the future is risky.
  • Be careful to who you loan to.
    • Don't loan to brand new players, or players who don't fully understand what's happening.
    • Don't loan out a massive amount of items to a single player.
  • No predatory loans
    • Deals should be reasonable and proportional to the things being loaned out.
    • Don't continuously request interest payments for not being able to repay the loan.
  • There should be an easy way for players to return items to you even if offline.
  • Deals must be documented thoroughly with proof.

Lag Rules

  1. Farms/machines built must be useful and efficient as possible to not cause any unnecessary lag.
  2. Farms/machines that run constantly and don’t produce anything useful should be turned off when not in use.
  3. Chunk loaders are not allowed.
  4. Players are automatically kicked after 30 minutes of inactive above 60 players.
    1. Bypassing this rule in any way while being inactive is not allowed.
  5. Water and lava sources that are constantly being spawned and despawned are banned.
    1. This includes lava casting, and farms that make use of multiple platforms and water sources in dispensers.

Chunk Limits

  • Bypassing the lag restriction is not allowed, including asking other ranks to build for you. If you do share a claim with someone with higher limits, they must actually be actively using the claim.
  • Armor stands: 16
  • Mobs: 24
    • This includes most type of mobs
    • Mobs won't spawn after the limit
    • Eg. In a chunk you could have 12 chickens and 12 cows, OR you can have 24 cows
    • Villagers are NOT included in this, and are not limited.
  • Max entity cramming is set to 6
  • Transportation (Minecart/Boat/Furnace Minecart/etc): 6
Limits Table
Repeaters /
  • You are allowed to build between chunks to fit more redstone in your build.

Last edited by BeaverGlue · 14 days ago

All the available commands are listed on this page! If you need a list of basic commands, check out /help in-game. These commands are available for all players of any rank. Extra commands and perks may be unlocked by purchasing a rank at our shop.

General Commands

/sethome ━ Sets your home at your current position.

/delhome ━ Removes the specified home.

/home ━ Teleports you to the specified home.

/homes ━ Lists the names of all your homes.

/ignore ━ Ignore the specified player, hiding their chat messages from you. Running the command again, un-ignores them.

/rtp ━ Randomly teleports you in the world you are currently in.

/wild ━ Opens the random teleport GUI. Lets you explore all of the available worlds.

/tpa ━ Send someone a teleport request for you to teleport to their location.

/tpahere ━ Sends someone a teleport request for them to teleport to your location.

/tpa cancel ━ Cancels your outgoing teleport request.

/accept ━ Accepts any pending teleport requests.

/warps ━ Lists all the available server warps.

/warp ━ Teleports you to the specified server warp.

/realname ━ View player's actual username if only their nickname is visible.

/antidrop ━ Toggles the drop protection. Disable at your own risk.

/msgtoggle ━ Toggles other players being able to send messages to you.

/tptoggle ━ Disables players from sending tpa and tpahere requests.

/mail send ━ Sends the player a message that they can read when they come back online. Works on both offline or online players.

/mail read ━ Reads all mail sent to you.

Claiming Commands

/abandonclaim ━ Removes the current claim your are standing in.

/abandonallclaims ━ Removes ALL of your claims.

/subdivideclaim ━ Use while holding a golden shovel. Activates subdivide mode. Allows you to make claims within your claims. These claims can be given different permissions than the parent claim.

/extendclaim ━ Extends your claim to the direction you are currently facing by the amount specified.

/accesstrust <player/all> ━ Gives a player access to buttons, and levers in the claim.

/containertrust <player/all> ━ Gives a player access to containers in the claim.

/permissiontrust <player/all> ━ Gives a player access to trust other players. They may give /trust, /accesstrust, /containertrust.

/trust <player/all> ━ Gives a player the ability to build, break, and open/take from containers as well as interact with mobs.

/untrust <player/all> ━ Revoke all trust for that specific player in the claim you are standing in.

/trustlist ━ View the trust given to all players in the claim you are standing in.

/claimlist ━ View all your land claims and their locations.

/buyclaimblocks ━ Buy claim blocks with in-game money. Each block costs $1.

/sellclaimblocks ━ Sell claim blocks with in-game money. Each block gives $1.

Economy Commands

/bal ━ Displays your current balance.

/bal ━ Displays the balance of the specified user.

/pay ━ Pays money to the specified user.

/ah ━ Opens up the auction house.

/ah sell ━ Sells the held for the specified price.

/jobs browse ━ Opens up the jobs GUI, where you can view/join/leave jobs. You can unlock more job slots by voting and ranking up.

/jobs join ━ Joins the specified job.

/jobs leave ━ Leaves the specified job. You lose 10% of your levels when you leave a job.

/jobs stats ━ Displays the players current jobs levels.

/jobs top ━ Displays leaderboard of players by level (does not work for bedrock).

/jobs clearownership — Clear all owned blocks for the Smither job. (Furnaces, smokers, blast furnaces and brewer stands).

/jobs log — Shows you a log of how much you earned on a certain job.

/jobs quests — Opens up side quests depending on the jobs a player is part of.

/maplock ━ Locks the currently held maps so they are unabled to be copied. Costs $50 per map. Mainly useful for map art.

Chest Shop Commands

You can also right-click an existing shop to open up a bunch of options instead of typing out the individual commands.

/shop help ━ Lists all the shop commands in-game.

/shop create ━ Creates a chest shop of the item you are holding for the specified price. (You can also punch a chest and type the price in chat)

/shop <buy/sell> ━ Sets the chest shop to buying or selling mode.

/shop remove ━ Removes the shop you are looking at.

/shop staff <add/remove/clear> ━ Adds/removes the specified user to the shops staff list, or clears the staff list. This user can open the chest and interact with the items. Users have to be added individually for every chest shop.

/qs find ━ Searches the nearest shop for the specified item. (small search radius, to be used in a specific store).

/qs item ━ Changes shop you are looking at to the item you are currentlying holding.

/qs price ━ Edits the price of the shop you are looking at.

Player Warp Commands

/pw ━ Opens up the player warps browser.

/pw ━ Travels to a warp.

/pw set ━ Creates a player warp at your location. Player warps cost $300 to set up, and $300 every real life week to maintain.

/pw desc set/remove ━ Sets a description for your the specified warp.

/pw category ━ Sets your warp's category.

/pw icon set/remove ━ Sets your held item as warp icon.

/pw reset ━ Sets your warp’s location to your current location.

/pw rename ━ Renames your warp.

/pw ban set/remove/list ━ Bans, unbans or lists banned players for the specified warp.

/pw setowner set/accept/cancel ━ Transfers the PW specified to the specified player.

/pw rate ━ Rate other player warps. Available ratings are 1 to 5.

/pw remove ━ Completely removes the specified warp. All visits and statistics will be lost.

/pw favourite ━ Adds the PW to your favorite list

/pw lock ━ Locks or unlocks own warp for public access.

Vote Commands

/vote ━ Opens the vote GUI. Voting for the server gives you rewards, vote points, and ranks!

/ranks ━ Displays the vote ranks, their perks, and required votes.

/voteshop ━ Exchange your vote points for ranks and rewards.

/pinata ━ Teleports you to the vote party. (Will be announced in chat when it happens)

/votetotal ━ Displays your current votes statistics, updates quicker than the normal GUI.

/votepoints ━ Displays your current points, updates quicker than the normal GUI.

Party Commands

/party create ━ Create a new party.

/party invite ━ Invite a player to your party.

/party chat <on/off> ━ Toggle party chat.

/party leave ━ Leave your party.

/party sethome ━ Set party home.

/party home ━ Teleport to party home.

/party desc <desc/remove> ━ Set party description.

/party motd <motd/remove> ━ Set party motd.

Paid Rank Commands

/back ━ Teleports you to your last teleported/death location.

/fly ━ Toggles fly.

/nick ━ Changes your display name to the specified nickname. Celestials may use RGB or normal color codes.

/chatcolor gui ━ Opens the chatcolor menu where you can modify your chat color.

/chatcolor available ━ Shows color codes and text formats that is also followed for sign or anvil colors.

/eglow ━ Opens the chatcolor menu where you can modify your player outline color.

/showitem ━ Displays the current held item for everyone in chat.

/ec ━ Opens your enderchest.

/backpack ━ Opens your backpack.

/wb ━ Opens a crafting table for you to use.

/anvil ━ Opens a anvil for you to use.

/loom ━ Opens a loom for you to use.

/smithtable ━ Opens a blacksmith table for you to use.

/stonecutter ━ Opens a stone cutter for you to use.

/trash ━ Opens a menu where you can put items you want destroyed. Items destroyed here are NOT retrievable, so make sure you only trash unwanted items.

/hat ━ Puts the held item on your head.

/ptime ━ Sets your personal time.

/pweather ━ Sets your personal weather.

/feed ━ Restores all your hunger bars.

/heal ━ Restores all your hunger and health bars.

/rename ━ Renames the held item to the specified name.

/fix ━ Repairs the held item.

/condense ━ Condenses items into a more compact blocks. Eg. Diamonds to diamond blocks.

/kittycannon ━ Shoots out an exploding cat.

/beecannon ━ Shoots out an exploding bee.

Claim Flags Commands

/setclaimflag ━ Set a claim flag

/listclaimflags ━ List active claim flags.

/unsetclaimflag ━ Remove a claim flag.

For a detailed explanation of what all flags do visit: https://github.com/akdukaan/GPFlags/wiki/Flags

Public Claim Flags

  • NoEnter
  • NoEnterPlayer
  • RaidMemberOnly
  • ReadLecterns

Celestial+ Flags

  • AllowPVP
  • EnterMessage
  • ExitMessage
  • KeepLevel
  • NoElytra
  • NoFlight
  • NoHunger
  • NoItemDrop
  • NoMobSpawns
  • NoGrowth
  • NoVineGrowth
  • NoLeafDecay
  • NoIceForm
  • NoSnowForm

Mystic Flags

  • AllowBlockExplosions
  • AllowWitherDamage
  • HealthRegen
  • InfiniteArrows
  • NoBlockForm
  • NoBlockGravity
  • NoBlockSpread
  • NoChorusFruit
  • NoFluidFlow
  • NoEnderPearl
  • NoMonsters
  • NoMonsterSpawns
  • NotifyEnter
  • NotifyExit
  • PlayerTime
  • PlayerWeather
  • ProtectNamedMobs
  • ViewContainers
  • NoAnvilDamage
  • NoExplosionDamage
  • NoFallDamage
  • NoFireDamage
  • NoPlayerDamage
  • NoPlayerDamageByMonster

Misc Commands

/lay ━ Lay down.

/sit ━ Sit down. You can also sit by right-clicking a half-slab or carpet.

/crawl ━ Start crawling.

/bellyflop ━ Flop on to your face.

/spin ━ Start spinning!

/pp toggle ━ Disables visibility of Mystic item particles. /togglearmor - Disables visibility of armor.

/marry <name> ━ Sends a marriage request to another player. Costs $1k to marry someone. You can have multiple partners.

/marry divorce <name> ━ Divorces you from a player.

/marry chat <message> ━ Sends a message to all your partners. 

/marry chattoggle ━ Toggles your regular chat to only appear in marry chat.

/marry sethome/delhome/home ━ Sets, deletes or teleports you to your shared marry home.

/marry seen <partner> ━ Tells you when your partner was last online.

/marry kiss ━ Kisses your partner.

/marry hug ━ Hugs your partner.

Last edited by BeaverGlue · about 1 month ago

Some answers to commonly asked questions!

Why aren't my votes working?

If you are on Bedrock make sure you type your name exactly as it appears in-game. This means you need include the BR_ prefix when voting as it is a part of your username. The voting sites also only allow one vote per IP address meaning two people in the same household can't both vote. To fix this one person will have to vote using a VPN.

Will the server map ever restart?

The Overworld/Nether/End will NEVER be reset. When any new update hits that impacts world generation or if the map gets overpopulated over time, the world border will expand to reflect these changes. The resource world may be wiped occasionally, though advanced notice will be given on the Discord.

How do I become staff?

Check out #announcements to see when positions are available. Things we always look for in staff members is activity, friendliness, and maturity. When you do end up applying, we will be looking at how well you showed these traits off.

Why can't I see the all the channels on the Discord?

Check out the #roles channel and claim all the roles you want!

What are the redstone limits per chunk?

Here is a comprehensive/updated list of all the redstone limits.

Limits Table
Repeaters /

What colors codes can Ascended+ use?

On MysticMC, Ascended+ can use color codes, which allow them to anvil fancy colored names, create cool text in books, and color-ify signs. Here is a list of all the available colors codes.